SIGNATURE: Your hand moving in a signature-like style on a digital or physical version of the form. DO NOT TYPE YOUR NAME or type your name in a cursive font to make it look like a signature. That is not a signature.
READ ALL DIRECTIONS: When submitting the forms, they must be signed with signatures. You cannot type your name or type your parent's name because that is NOT a signature. You must sign it electronically or physically, it must be done by hand. Signing a document does not include typing. If you do not submit signatures done by hand (electronically or physically) your account will not be approved. You will need to redo the forms entirely.
Priority registration is October 6th, 2023 but we will still accept registrations on a rolling basis.
Before you begin filling out this form, please:
1) Ensure that both the student and the parent are present. This form must be filled out jointly by the student and the parent. The student and the parent should use the same website account and both of them should know the password.
2) Watch this short instructional video. If you don't know how to digitally sign documents, the video will show you how to.
3) The student and parent must complete the WSD Field Trip Form and have the signed PDF ready to upload. You may need to compress the PDF to make the size smaller which you can do here. You need to SIGN the document, you cannot just type your name. It needs to be a digital or physical signature, not just typing your name. Signatures MUST be dated. Make sure to check off both the boxes on the form to agree to both provisions.
4) The parent should sign the Parent Agreement and have the signed PDF ready to upload. You may need to compress the PDF to make the size smaller which you can do here. The parent needs to SIGN the document, you cannot just type their name. It needs to be either a digital or physical signature, DocHub lets you use your phone as a signing pad. Signatures need to be dated, and the student must SIGN the Student Agreement as well.
5) The student should sign the Student Agreement and have the signed PDF ready to upload. You may need to compress the PDF to make the size smaller which you can do here. You need to SIGN the document, you cannot just type your name. It needs to be a digital or physical signature, not just typing your name. Signatures MUST be dated.
6) The parent should complete the FUSD Volunteer Driver application for all drivers that will be transporting the student to and from in-person tournaments.
7) The parent should ensure that they have access to a credit or debit card (see the membership contribution field below).
8) Please review your information. The student agreement, parent agreement, and field trip form are all mandatory and must be signed/dated. Please make sure you are not submitting blank documents.
9) Make a Slack account: Invite Link